Pictured from left are Youth Mentoring Network Coordinator Ashley Flaherty, Ohio County Schools Human Resources Director Susan Nolte and Steenrod Elementary School Principal Michelle Dietrich.

The Youth Mentoring Network Program is working to empower youth in our community to make positive life choices. 

 The mentoring program is a project of Youth Services System (YSS), and it was formerly known as “Big Brothers/Big Sisters of the Ohio Valley.” The program involves adult volunteers who commit to supporting, guiding and being a friend to a young person for a period of at least one year. By becoming part of the social network of adults and community members who care about youth, the mentor can help youth develop and reach positive academic, career and personal goals. Youth Mentoring Network Coordinator Ashley Flaherty said a mentor has the potential to change a mentee’s life for the better.

 “If a child has a positive role model it can make a huge impact in his or her life,” Flaherty said. “For example, it could mean the difference as to whether a student turns to drugs or goes to college. The mentors provide a positive influence on a child who needs direction. Unfortunately, some children simply need more support. Our goal is to help them to make wise choices. It’s about being a positive influence on those children who simply need more support.”

 The program benefits children between the ages of six and 17 who reside in Hancock, Brooke, Ohio, Marshall, Wetzel or Tyler counties in West Virginia and Belmont County of Ohio. Flaherty said there are currently 17 children who are paired with mentors, and five others are on a waiting list. Flaherty said the children often come from single-parent homes, and they may be struggling academically, lack social skills or have trouble making friends.

 Mentors are asked to spend a minimum of four hours per month with the mentee. Flaherty said there are so many options for the mentors and mentees to spend time, and YSS even schedules events for the Youth Mentoring Network.

“We offer activities once a month, and it could be anything from mini golf to a Nailers games,” she said. “But, the mentee or the mentor may want to do any number of things. It could be movies, board games, cooking, bowling or anything. It all depends on their relationship.”

Ohio County Schools Human Resources Director Susan Nolte and Steenrod Elementary School Principal Michelle Dietrich are serving as mentors in the program. Nolte has been a mentor for four years, and she said the program is very rewarding for someone who has time to donate to a child.

 “I love it,” Nolte said. “My children are out of the house, and this program allows me to have familial contact with a younger child. Over the years, I’ve spent with her family. I get to be the fun aunt. I’m just additional support. We spend our time shopping and eating breakfast at Cracker Barrel. We have a lot fun.

 “It doesn’t take a lot of time (to be a mentor)” Nolte added. “I would encourage anyone to do it. We’ve had hard situations, but it’s been a wonderful experience because they can become a part of your family.”

 Dietrich became a mentor two years ago after seeing a YSS ad regarding the Youth Mentoring Network. She said serving as a youth mentor gives her the opportunity to support a young person and let her know that she matters

"My own children were getting older and did not need me in a hands-on role as much, so I thought it would be something I could do,” Dietrich said. “I was matched with a sixth-grade student and have served as her mentor for the past two years. Through the whole process, I have been supported by the staff at YSS as they have planned activities and answered any questions I have had. My mentee and I enjoy going out to eat together and have done activities that are simple, like going to the park and playing on the playground, to more involved activities like going to the trampoline park. It’s truly rewarding.” 

 If you would like to become a mentor contact Flaherty at 304-233-9627 ext. 205 or email  aflaherty@ysswv.com .