A packed house was present at the Ohio County Board of Education tonight. A moment of silence was given after the Pledge of Allegiance in remembrance of Tom Ullom, long time OCS employee, who passed away recently.
Dr. Miller recognized many great moments in Ohio County Schools. She discussed the 3rd Annual Textured Expo and noted the All Things OCS Podcast. She followed up on the Patriot Monument as we currently have 61 names submitted. She also recognized the over 400 people that recently filled out our Alumni survey. A listserv was created, and a one pager from The Park Press will go out to these alumni beginning in March to share upcoming events at WPHS. Both of these surveys are on our Facebook page as well as on the Ohio County Schools webpage. The Parent Advisory Committee met today and discussed safety, the implementation of the Stop It App, the upcoming levy, and start times. Dr. Miller offered additional clarification that nothing was currently changing regarding start times. Ohio County Schools continues to look at options and listen to community members. The upcoming event, “All About Park” was discussed, and a brief video was shown that details the Wheeling Park High School facilities. “All About Park” is scheduled for Wednesday, from 5-8, and is geared toward any current 8th grader who wants to #ExperienceTHEPARK.
The Young Patriots Honor Choir was recently chosen as the 2024 WV Honor Choir. Earning a 94.5 out of 100, they earned the distinction of WV Honor Choir and will perform in Charleston in early March. They shared a phenomenal performance with the BOE tonight entitled “Time.”
In Moments for Mission, athletics were recognized. There are currently three 1,000 point scorers on the girls basketball team. The Super Six was recognized for all the hard work many men and women have put in for the last thirty years. Mrs. Jingle and the Young Patriots were recognized. Math Field Day winners were recognized as they now move forward to the State level competition. The bowling team was highlighted as was The Ohio County Social Studies Fair.
The Parade of Champions recognized the students who participated in the American Mathematics Competition. The top three scorers in Ohio County Schools for the AMC 10 (up to 10th grade curriculum) were Eddie Lee, Nathan Tyska, and Luka Swarz. The top three scorers for the AMC 12th (up to 12 grade curriculum) were Grant Kenamond, Harrison Wolf, and Kathryn Prather.
Delegations began following the Parade of Champions. Gerry Ames, president of the WV School Service Personnel Association, spoke on his appreciation of the continuation of benefits. He thanked those who vote for levies to pass. Ames retired two years ago, but substitutes frequently as an aide and driver. He spoke on his concerns for start times while recognizing the drivers for their professionalism. Beth Cox, mother at Woodsdale, also spoke on start times. She discussed her concerns with any proposals that would shift all start times back. She spoke on before care concerns. Mrs. Palmer discussed student boredom amongst students. She explained her concerns for small children who might be affected by any changes. Kimberly Grassmussen spoke about her personal experience having a special needs child and any disruption to what his schedule might do. She believes in Ohio County Schools, but is concerned about the special needs families in our school community. All delegations spoke respectfully.
Contract renewals are placed on hold due to BOE member David Croft’s absence from the meeting. Azariah Bayes and Ann Senkbeil were recognized as new robotics coaches and Jill Hutchison was recognized for her retirement. She is leaving OCS after 23 years of service.
Various Consent Agenda items were discussed. Steenrod was recognized for their partnership with Monteverde. They have officially joined through Education Alliance and they plan to work closely together in the upcoming year. OCS Innovation Coordinator Jojo Shay spoke on an AmeriCorps VISTA position. With the help of Education Alliance, this would allow a worker to work 35 hours a week to participate in innovation for OCS. The memorandum of agreement was discussed, and it was tabled until the next meeting. The majority of changes to Policy 5001 were recommended by the state. Grants were followed up on and a variety of paid bills were discussed.
The next BOE meeting will be held on Monday, 3/11, and 6:00 pm. A calendar meeting will precede this at 5:30 where the calendar committee will be able to discuss two various calendar options for the 2024-2025 school calendar.
Thank you to our community. Our county would not thrive without dedicated parents, staff, and students.
#OneCounty #OhioCounty #TogetherWeAchieve