It’s #schoolsocialworkweek! We want to take a moment to recognize Wheeling Park High School Communities In Schools Ohio County, Unique Robinson-Murphy.
Miss Unique is in her second official year with Ohio County Schools. She is a product of the OCS school system, and graduated from Marshall University with a degree in social work. She is poised to start her MA at West Virginia University this summer.
“I love working with older kids. I love that it’s a melting pot. Every student is different, and they all have completely different backgrounds. No single day is the same,” Unique states.
She enjoys working for OCS because when there is a student-based concern, every single person comes together to solve the issue in the interest of the student.
Unique loves the role of a social worker. “I’m so excited it’s social work week. It’s a beautiful thing to recognize. We want our community to know that a social worker has the flexibility to a be a community liaison. Our job is to bridge the gap between all systems and help families.”
“She’s just the best. No one compares,” a student states.
Remember to shout out your social worker this week!
Thank you Miss Unique!
Communities In Schools
#socialwork #schoolsocialworker