Tonight’s BOE meeting began with Dr. Miller reminding the room of the current spring break with student return scheduled for 4/2. The Senior Expo is scheduled tomorrow at the Highlands Sports Complex, and Mrs. Butyn, Dr. Miller, and Mr. Bienek are attending to share information with our community regarding Ohio County Schools. Miller issued congratulations to Libby Shepherd stating, “Although she is retired from Ohio County Schools, Shepherd has been integral in the world of cheering.” She was recently named to the OVAC Hall of Fame. Miller also touched on the upcoming solar eclipse, pointing out the totality time of 3:16 P.M., and explained that a meeting is scheduled with all administrators for next week to review state and science-based guidance. Finally, Miller recognized Wheeling Park High School’s Academic Showdown team on their recent victory.
Moments for Mission began with Mr. Chacalos. He recognized his recent visit to Middle Creek Elementary, and echoed the praise for Libby Shepherd. He gave notice to Alexis Bordas on her recent basketball achievements and awards. Ms. Aderholt also recognized the Academic Showdown team for winning their regional championship. Mr. Croft recognized the recent trip to Washington, D.C. for students as well as the recent Gifted premiere. Mr. Schramm gave recognition to Mrs. Nolte and her work on the 2024-2025 school calendar. He also recognized Mr. Podolski on his recent awards prior to his retirement. Mr. Garber recognized the recent “Celebration of the Arts,” commenting that he is “amazed” by the talent in our county. Like the other members, he recognized Shepherd and the Academic Showdown team as well as Kathryn Prather for her recent essay win. Garber also paid notice to Weirton Elementary’s Health Center. Garber, Butyn, and Miller visited the facility last Monday. He reviewed their procedures for student visitation. He also recognized Bridge Street Middle School’s Get a Life program.
There was one delegation regarding start and end times. Caroline Dillon spoke on 86% of the surveyed Wheeling Park High School faculty, stating 91.8 percent were against any change of times. She expressed concerns for the majority of students, mentioning the lack of before and after care programs and student work schedules. Also discussed were AP tests, after school events, concerns about teenage sleep behaviors, and special education compliance concerns.
Professional recognition was given for Brianna Blend for upgrading her degree status. The board then moved into executive session to discuss a specific student issue and superintendent contract renewal.
Executive session ended. The BOE meeting continued at 7:06. Dr. Miller’s contract was renewed for an additional four years. Garber praised many of Miller’s achievements in the last eight years. Miller explained that it’s a fantastic job with many moving, challenging pieces. “I’m grateful for this; I will continue working with my team to move our county forward,” Miller stated.
The School Board Opioid Case was discussed by Mr. Bienek. This case affects counties across the country, and he spoke specifically on the counties in WV; he discussed potential settlements. The board voted to opt back in based on legal counsel recommendations. Bienek also discussed the schedule of proposed levy rates and levy estimates for the fiscal year with the BOE members.
The memorandum of agreement for AmeriCorps VISTA was revisited. A motion was made to adopt the agreement noting that Croft will make any adjustments needed to the memorandum.
Surplus property was discussed, and child nutrition has requested that some surplus be given to another county to utilize. The procedures for surplus were discussed as well. Paid bills discussed regarding recent payments for professional development, track and field landscaping, and the YMCA.
Minutes from the previous meeting were accepted as were the remaining consent agenda items.
The next BOE meeting is scheduled for Monday, 4/8 at 6:00.
See additional coverage for tonight’s meeting on both WTRF and WTOV.