Villani and Miller

Tonight’s BOE meeting had a full house for all the right reasons!  We recognized our Teachers and Service Personnel of the Year!  Dr. Miller opened the meeting by discussing the recent recognition of our school nurses by the Wheeling Lion’s Club and the most recent podcast episode which focused on Autism Acceptance Month and a spring sports preview. She also mentioned 23 students who are VEX Robotics Worlds bound!  Tomorrow, various students from Wheeling Park High School will be representing our county in the academic showdown in Charleston.  Miller also mentioned that Kathryn Prather and Grant Kenamond are semi-finalists for U.S. Presidential Scholars and Kenamond also took home first place in Math Field Day.  Finally, Miller mentioned that the SBA allotted $1,000,000 to fix the roof at Wheeling Park High School.  

Board members spoke on a variety of successes.  Mr. Croft credited Miller for her fundraising and congratulated those who participated in the Dick Dei track meet.  He also recognized the summer meal pick up program.  Mr. Schramm echoed similar congratulations and showed appreciation to the nominees for awards tonight.  He also thanked SWN for their recent grants, and added a “Happy Passover” to those who celebrated.  Mrs. Aderholt congratulated Grant Kenamond and mentioned a number of other placeholding winners.  She also thanked those who participated in the Dick Dei meet and recognized those who helped prepare for the upcoming Prom.  Mr. Chacalos congratulated our nominees as the backbone of our school system.  Mr. Garber commented on the Lion’s Club as well as the Tournament of Champions that the Speech and Debate team recently competed in.  Garber also mentioned the information town hall meeting regarding the excess levy.  It is taking place at Northern Community College next Monday, the 29th, from 5-7.  Garber also commented on the upcoming Teacher Appreciation Week.  He stated that the greatest resource we have is our teachers.  Garber is also excited to attend the upcoming Park Players play, “Mamma Mia.”

2023-2024 Teacher of the Year and Service Personnel were recognized.  Middle Creek Elementary’s Kristy Villani and Operation’s Jennifer Mulley were selected to represent Ohio County Schools.  Congratulations to ALL nominees!

Champion of Children recipient, Steenrod Principal, Michelle Dietrich was recognized. Mrs. McLeod also thanked OCFV and SWN for recent grants that were awarded. She recognized Mrs. Lackie, Ms. Shay, Mr. Annett, Mrs. Mustovich, Mrs. Caldwell, Mrs. Villani, and Ms. Rinks.

Mr. Jones introduced Mr. Ron Scott and Ms. Unique Robinson-Murphy.  With the help of students, they spoke on their recent trip to Historically Black Colleges and Universities or HBCUs.  The group spent four days in Atlanta and toured multiple universities.  The students discussed their favorite parts of the trip and offered thanks to the organizers.  “I’ve been wanting to take this trip for 15 years,” states Scott.  “We offered the trip to 9 high schools, and 3 participated.  Wheeling Park High School was credited with the support they offered to make the trip a reality.”

Mr. Jones spoke on the new Stop It App as part of a safety update.  He also spoke on the recent flood and the need to bid for new Astroturf at the stadium at Wheeling Island.  Approval was requested, and a discussion was opened.  Croft expressed concerns about not having multiple bids.  With a cooperative agreement, Mr. Bienek stated this was acceptable.  There was additional discussion about moving the field location and other turf options in the area.  Jones stated that it’s critical for us to move quickly so as to not delay any sports season or practice schedules.  Due to the cost, Croft would prefer to vet other companies until the next BOE meeting.  Mr. Chacalos agreed with much of what has been said, but agreed with Jones regarding the lack of practice options without moving on the turf sooner than later. Mr. Schramm voted to terminate the conversation.  He explained that as of tonight,  it was unrealistic to continue discussing stadium movement at this point in a school year.  Dr. Miller stated that it was her recommendation to move forward so as to be prepared for fall.  Mr. Crumm explained the pieces of the bid to further break down the cost.  Mr. Garber brought the motion back to the floor to pay for new turf on Wheeling Island Stadium not to exceed $610,000.  The vote passed 3-2 with Schramm, Chacalos, and Garber voting to pass the motion.  Croft and Aderholt voted against the motion.  The motion passed.  

In personnel, Mrs. Bugaj, Assistant Principal at Wheeling Park, announced her retirement effective next September. Mrs. Wiseman, media teacher at Woodsdale Elementary announced her retirement as well effective this June.  Bugaj has been employed for 30 years and Wiseman for 36 years.  Mrs. Brosk-Birch submitted her resignation as Principal at Bridge Street Middle School.  Courtney Moore was recognized for her recent degree upgrade.  Professional employees and service personnel employees were renewed for rehiring for the 2024-2025 school year.  All items were passed.  

Item “B” was pulled from the Consent Agenda.  This discussed the 2024-2025 Step 7 Plan for Instructional Improvement.  This is funding from the state to continue that benefits personnel, but mainly technology.  Mrs. Aderholt also asked about a paid bill regarding software.  Mr. Croft asked about Edmentum.  He was curious if the program was an annual subscription to clarify funding ideas.  

A variety of school volunteers were approved.  The next meeting will take place Monday, 5/13, at 6:00 P.M.