Girls on the Run
Girls on the Run Makes Moves at Bridge Street Middle School

In January 2024, the Ohio County Family Resource Network received one of only three Innovation Grants awarded by TEAM for West Virginia Children.  Already having existing programs at Elm Grove Elementary, OCFRN felt it was a natural choice to pilot Girls on the Run at Bridge Street.  “Piloting this Girls on the Run program has been such a tremendous opportunity for the FRN.  As a coach, it has been so amazing to meet the team and to watch them put so much effort into their physical and emotional growth.  Watching our runners grow, both individually and as a unit, has been so inspiring. I’m so grateful to be a part of this awesome program!” states Grace Moore, head coach and site liaison with the Ohio County Family Resource Network.  

The program encourages physical and mental health and wellness and currently has 15 girls, 6th-8th grade, enrolled.  Girls on the Run is a nationwide program that combines training for a 5K run with lessons that inspire girls to become independent thinkers, enhance their problem-solving skills, and build self-confidence. 

The weekly program always begins with a lesson, known as the “Big Idea.”  The first “Big Idea” immediately connected the runners: “To become a team, we need to celebrate what makes us similar and unique,” the lesson explains.  The curriculum for Girls on the Run is from Heart and Sole, a unique program that combines confidence building with physical movement.  “The ‘Big Idea’ connects into the actual running and movement for the week,” states assistant coach and 7th grade ELA teacher, Shawna Safreed.

The girls have fully embraced the program.  In fact, many family members have embraced the program as well.  “We have a group grandma, GiGi,” Safreed states, explaining that one of the students’ grandmothers now attends weekly and continues to volunteer and show appreciation for the program.  Girls on the Run provides new running shoes, snacks, shirts, and additional swag as part of the grant.  The grant provides transportation to and from Morgantown, WV for the annual Girls on the Run 5K, the event they have been training for since meeting for the first practice. (pictured below)

“I’m nervous, but I like it all.  I think I’ll continue running when it’s (the program) is over),” states Sophia, a 7th grader.

All coaches have fully immersed themselves in the program.  “It’s been the highlight of our weeks,” 7th grade ELA teacher, Emily McEwen states, before adding, "Being a coach for Girls on the Run has been an absolutely incredible experience. Over the last ten weeks, we have been able to encourage our team members to engage in physical activity, take care of their mental health, and stick up for one another. I wish that this was a program that I could have participated in as a child.”

"The Girls on the Run program has provided these girls with not only physical wellness and a love of running, but we have also provided lessons on emotional wellness. Our goal is that the girls in the program feel connected to other girls, have a toolbox of strategies to cope with challenging situations, and also to use running as an outlet," Safreed adds.

Claudia Raymer, Executive Director for the Ohio County Family Resource Network explained, “I’ve been eager to bring Girls on the Run to Ohio County for more than ten years.  When the opportunity came to write a proposal for the Innovation grant, I knew what program I’d be pitching.  When selecting a site and coaches for the program, we were incredibly fortunate to have a strong partnership with Ohio County Schools and with Bridge Street Middle School.  Emily and Shawna immediately jumped on board to serve as coaches.”  Additional partnerships were Runners Connection and Newbrough Photo.  “Thanks to this funding, the students will receive team and individual photos along with a bag full of items to help them continue the skills they’ve learned during the program,” added Raymer. The care bags include a variety of self-care items.  

The program’s completion will be celebrated with a Family Engagement Night scheduled for Monday, at 5:00, at Bridge Street Middle School.  The program aims to expand further this fall.

Congratulations on a successful run girls!  You rock! 

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