Matching mother and daughter
“I never thought we’d be teaching in the same building.  We get to make each other better every day,” Mrs. Deb Haley, legendary Ohio County Schools Kindergarten teacher states. 

Deb is at Bethlehem Elementary School, and this year, a new hire hit very close to home: her daughter, Emma, interviewed for and received an offer to be Bethlehem’s Reading Interventionist.  Deb is in her 30th year of teaching, and Emma is enjoying her first. 

Deb, a graduate of West Liberty State College and Ohio University (and a WPHS Alum) embraces the opportunity to connect with her daughter on their shared love of teaching: “I love that we get to bounce ideas off of each other.  It’s important for me to stay current with my craft.  Education never stops evolving, and Emma helps me with that,” Deb states.  

Emma, a graduate of West Liberty University, was the first out of state student (she’s an Ohio resident) to receive the prestigious Underwood-Smith Teaching Scholarship.  She is currently working on her MA as a reading specialist.  “I love seeing my mom in action. I knew when I shadowed her and I got to see the Bethlehem community, I just fell in love,” Emma states.  “People have always told me Emma’s a good teacher, but getting to see her teach? Wow.  She knows her stuff,” Deb adds. 

The mother-daughter duo share an awesome dynamic at Bethlehem, oftentimes letting students have some fun with double the Haleys.  

“We really are a school family,” Deb states.

We love this family (and school family)!  Thank you Deb and Emma for hanging out with us this afternoon.  Bethlehem Elementary is lucky to have you both! 

#StaffStories #StaffHighlight #TogetherWeAchieve