Kaleb Trimmier

Kaleb Trimmier carries a weighted GPA of 4.875, runs cross country and track, participates in various clubs and activities, and is in his fourth year of ACDA choir.  Most recently, Trimmier was informed that he was selected in the pool of Presidential Scholars. 

Twenty men and women from each state are selected, and through a rigorous application process, are narrowed down to represent the state.  

Trimmier is not only academically strong, he is also kind, talented, and personable.  He credits being a well-rounded student to his experience at Wheeling Park High School: “Once you make the initial effort to reach out, the school grows around you.  Get involved, because you truly don’t know what you’re missing until you embrace it.”  

Trimmier remains humble in the selection.  “I just want to learn.  I really enjoy chemistry.  The depth of knowledge that we get to experience every single day is just incredible,” crediting teacher Mrs. Courtney Redilla in the conversation.  

Trimmier is interested in pursuing a career in pathology and has applied to multiple colleges, but has not yet confirmed his final decision.  We wish Trimmier all the luck on the Presidential Scholars process, and we cannot think of a better student to represent Ohio County Schools.  

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