Tiny Patriots

Snow might have set back our original date, but thanks to our community resources and our friends at the OCPL, Tiny Patriots has been rescheduled for Saturday, April 5th, from 11-1!

Who should attend Tiny Patriots?

✅ Families with small children that could benefit from learning about community resources and programs like WVU Medicine, Genesis, B-3, or Family Resource Network (to name just a few)!
✅ Families that are interested in meeting some of our OCS early childhood education and central office staff 
✅ Families that feel overwhelmed with starting Pre-K or Kindergarten, and would benefit from someone to talk to
✅ Families with small children that just need a few hours outside of the house and want to try something new! 

Located at the library, this fair is a come and go experience with activities rotating upstairs and resources downstairs.

Whether you’re looking to register onsite or simply want to do some arts and crafts at the library, we’ve got your back.

Stay tuned for more info!
