Pictured from left is Ohio County Schools Assistant Superintendent Rick Jones, Communities In Schools (CIS) liaisons Unique Murphy and Heather Weekley, West Virginia Department of Education Student Support and Well-Being Coordinator Tracy Komorowski, CIS liaison Stacy Dietz, CIS Regional Specialist Zach Hughart and CIS liaison Abby Pownall.

Support for the Ohio County Schools Communities in Schools (CIS) program was voiced Wednesday on the state and regional levels.

The school system’s monthly CIS site coordinator meeting was held at Triadelphia Middle School, and West Virginia Department of Education Student Support and Well-Being Coordinator Tracy Komorowski and CIS Regional Specialist Zach Hughart were on hand for the session. Both officials expressed their support for the CIS program in Ohio County Schools, and they commended the school system and CIS liaisons for the success of the recently-implemented program.

Ohio County Schools Student Services Director Raquel McLeod attended the meeting, and she thanked both Komorowski and Hughart for backing the efforts of the CIS program and its liaisons.

“We met to discuss the program and the challenges it will face, but it was also an opportunity to celebrate the success of the Communities In Schools program,” she said. “They offered their support in meeting the needs of our students, and that is greatly appreciated. It’s exciting to see the progress that has occurred with the CIS program since the beginning of the school year. The Ohio County community and community agencies have been a vital part in the success of a great program that is committed to helping students in need.”

The Ohio County Schools CIS program was implemented prior to the start of the 2022-2023 school year. The mission of CIS is to provide students with a community of support that empowers them to stay in school and achieve in life. It links educators with the community to bring local talents and resources into the schools and create a network that keeps students in school and engaged in learning. CIS offers specific services to students and their families to build a foundation for academic success. These services help schools connect struggling children with secure housing, medical care, food assistance, tutoring and other critical supports.
