Chef Kelly Waldron is shown during a  professional  development  with OCS child nutrition staff members

It was an exciting day of professional development for cooks in the Ohio County Schools Child Nutrition Department, as they welcomed a pair of special guests.

Chef Andy Montero and Chef Kelly Waldron from “Chef Cyndie and the K-12 Culinary Team” lead training for the school system’s cooks today at Wheeling Park High School. Chef Cyndie and the K-12 Team work together to bring their skills and experience in developing a culinary systems approach to enhance school nutrition operations. Montero and Waldron provided OCS cooks with hands-on instruction in food production, knife skills and culinary techniques for fresh and cooked produce in addition to lessons on utilizing herbs and spices to enhance menu flavor and appeal. School system cooks also prepared recipes that were taste tested as part of the program. 

 Ohio County Schools Child Nutrition Director Renee Griffin said the training was funded through a grant from the West Virginia Department of Education. She said the session will be of great benefit to the students of Ohio County Schools.

 “I’m so excited we could provide this wonderful training for our cooks,” Griffin said. “It’s very useful professional development, and it includes skills they will use every day. It’s also a great opportunity because our excellent cooks get the opportunity to work together to create even better meals for our students.”
